
The foliage of Camassia is above

Camassia, not specifically a spring bulb as such, but it flowers after the daffodils have past and whilst the late Tulips are blooming. The flowers forming on long spikes and are perfect in groups in borders. Grassy leaves and striking blue flowers, a must for all gardens.  Camassia's flower at that time of the year between the spring bulbs finishing and the summer flowers starting, so perfect for colour in that part of the year. 

Plant the bulbs in the autumn and they will flower the next year and will come back year after year, once the blooms have finished then trim the flower head of the stalk, the rest can be left to die back naturally, the foliage will start to die back and turn. Once this starts to happen, give the foliage a gentle pull and it will pull away once it is ready. Do not force the foliage away, just be patient. Once removed just leave the bulbs in the ground, if you live in a really cold area, a mulch can be added to the surface to protect them, but in most areas this is not required.


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